Well, we’re back. No snow in either pass, but it was frosty. We fell into some pretty wet and heavy snow in…..Olympia. All in all though, we screamed through the day and made it back to Poulsbo by 5:00 pm. The caveat was we had damaged a connection between our starter and the ignition; so if we turned off the rig, we could only start it through jumping it with a screwdriver.
It’s nice settling into our woodsy home again. Little Roku didn’t come home, despite Tony calling him until 1:00 AM. I finally saw him in the morning, and he is making us pay. Seems he’s miffed we took off without him. As of this morning, he’s back to his normal, goofy self.
So, our maiden voyage is over. We so look forward to being able to take a much longer period of time to travel
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Here's a pic of the blanket I snuggle with that friend Anne gave me - all positive affirmations.
And another of our lived in RV; quite different than when we first got it.
I rolled out around 7:30 AM, hoping to do the laundry prior to leaving the Santi Netta (sounds so beautiful, not in reality though). Didn’t find the laundry so read and checked the net for that dastardly Delta smelt that is causing farmers to do without water. See 12/10 blog on “Congress Created Dust Bowl.” What I found is that, as usual, the issue is many sided. My favorite read is a woman who writes for the Bakersfield Californian by the name of Lois Henry. She is pragmatic and suffers no fools, stating the case of the water shortage in the San Joaquin/Sacramento Delta - is an argument 100’s of years old: WATER RIGHTS. I have more research to do, but please Fox News, tell the whole truth, not just the part that fits your agenda.
Tony woke up with a chest cold today, hacking and coughing - plenty of phlegm to go around! Snot fairies visited him last night, I guess, in good old Gustine, CA.
I’m in the AM driver’s seat again this morning, and glad to be there. Gassed up, got some coffee and took off…..to the sound of the espresso I made Tony dumping itself on the floor, and the distilled water left on the bathroom counter shooting through the door and onto the carpet. Little things. We’ve got a road to tear up!
I had pre-loaded the netbook’s “Favorites” with potential camping sights up the I-5 corridor, so felt confident that no matter when we stop for the night, we’ll have a place to pull into without searching or arriving too late (see 11/26 - 12/1 blogs).
I had a great run dodging raindrops and big trucks, cars not minding their way and those whose blinkers must have been stolen in the night for they did not work. We made great time, pulled over outside of Stockton for an In-n-Out Burger. Yoweee are they good! Reminds me of Dicks. I mean the restaurant, bozo’s! Fresh potato fries, simple menu.
Tony then took the wheel and burned up some more road, mainly through the good music of the Grateful Dead. A local station was playing their live 1971 concert from NY. Tony, as usual, clueless on who is singing, just knowing he loves good tunes, innocently asks “Who’s this?!” I tell him, and he so very happily JAMS to Truckin’ and Bobbie Magee and Casey Jones. I do love him so for his ear to good tunes. I believe he’s been good enough this year to find that particular recording in his stocking.
We missed it on the way down, so stopped in Corning at the Olive Pit - I’ve spent a lifetime hoping to visit this place. And it lived up to all of my expectations and more. We loaded up on various secret and wonderful things, and also met a delightful sales clerk. Young, funny and helpful.
We hit it again, and end up at the Marine RV Park, on the Sacramento River. It’s a cute little spot, too much pavement, but the river is beautiful. After doing the laundry here and watching a good movie - “Run, Fatboy, Run “ - we’re chillin’. The long term camper across from us has full Christmas lights up and we would very likely find them here next Christmas.
Through the mountains tomorrow. Let’s pray there’s no snow.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Headed for - well, NORTH - I guess. Reluctantly. With long pants on and a coat. Shit! We both hate it. Tony drove both the AM shift, and the PM shift. It was so BEAUTIFUL driving up a pass, through the golden hills; snow sprinkled artistically throughout. Down the other side we passed through many more orchards of oranges, nut trees and fallow fields. Many of these fields had yellow signs that read: “Congress Created Dust Bowl.” We think that’s in response to water not being distributed to save a fish - Fox reported on it. I’ll look it up tonight.
I utilized our time on the netbook while driving the straight, straight I-5, looking ahead for RV parks further north. We’re now parked off the highway at the Santi Netta RV Park. I thought the name was cute, but the park isn’t. Well, it’s neat, but too much cement for us. Just another stopover.
We headed to the Starby’s across the street, read the local newspaper, then went to the Village Market “Liquor Groceries Bait Line”. I had a good feeling about it, and it was a delightful place! Big and roomy with all sorts of shit you just have to have. I picked up some cool stuff and we had a nice talk with the owner. Just packed with crap. The porn mags had cardboard across the nasty bits, and it said “Magazines are for buying, not for BROWSING!” Ha ha.
Now we’re back to the rig, cleaning up a bit, checking my mail, making dinner. Hopefully tomorrow, we’ll be close to the Cali border. Bern texted no snow in the passes, but we’ll see. It is COLD here!
53 years since I was born. I sit in the sun, greenery and flowers surrounding me. Have to hit the road today, heading to freezing weather. I don’t look forward to the weather, or returning to “the same.”
Here's a little Jackie history for you...when I was born, my mother told me that, as her fifth child, I was crowning as she reached the hospital. The anesthesiologist hadn’t arrived yet to put her into twilight sleep, so they physically held my head in until he got there. The doc sent us home several days later with a recipe for my formula, but, as my parents discovered later, the doc had transposed the formula and water so that I was drinking mostly water. I cried so much dad called me “Crabby Abby.” It seems so odd to me that, 1) mom wouldn’t breast feed; and 2) she wouldn’t recognize that the recipe was wrong. Another fascinating little factoid - I was named Jacqueline after an old girlfriend of dad’s. Note - why would she 1) agree to naming me after his old girlfriend; 2) not kick his ass for even suggesting it.
I’m finally used to living in the RV, putzing around, having some space. Slept like a dream last night after a funny movie “Mr. Woodcock” with Susan Sarandon and Billy Bob Thornton. I could sit by the pool and read all day.
While sitting in the hot springs yesterday, I mentioned it was my birthday today. All the women said “Oh! Happy Birthday!” It touched me - a sweet moment.
Already heard from erstwhile friend Julie, who celebrated her 53rd last week. I’m sure I’ll have a phone full of birthday texts today…
The sweetest was from grandaughter Holli and her parents John and Sandi singing Happy Birthday to me on voice mail. And at the very end, Holli says "I love you!" Ahhhh, music to my ears...
Decided to spend the night in a motel to really live it up for my bday. After traveling through some incredibly moving country - the Antelope Valley - ended up in Lancaster at the Town House Motel. Review in Tripadvisor said it’s clean, and that’s all we ask. Also has a pool and hot tub. Turns out the pool isn’t heated and the hot tub is luke warm. What does “luke” come from?
While traversing to and from the RV, Tony accidentally stepped on our 12 disc cd holder and busted nine of the 12 cd’s - FOUR OF WHICH I HAD JUST BOUGHT MYSELF FOR MY BIRTHDAY AND HADN’T LISTENED TO YET!!! Dang! Here’s my eclectic taste: Michael Buble’s new one, Pink, Darius Rucker (didn’t bust) and comedian Nick Swarden.
We had great showers, the leftovers from our lunch, and great birthday sex. What more could I want, I ask?
My cd’s back, I guess…..
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Well, one day prior to my 53rd Birthday. Wish I had brought my tiara along - dang!
Had a hell of a time falling to sleep last night, but got up OK. We hit the town for groceries, then came back and RAN to the pool. A night and day of rain would not deter us! We WILL tan when it’s 58! It was a lovely time, much reading, talking to our new Canadian friends, hot springing.
While I was in the big pool, and Tony in the hot springs, I could hear someone talking to the Canucks about health care. I told the woman I was swimming with, “Oh boy, I knew that subject would come up eventually.” We both steered clear and talked of our love for books.
Voices kept rising, as Tony and an equally loud woman went at the politics, cost, Presidency, etc. I loved hearing the action, but wanted no part of it. I finally zipped over to get good and warm before I showered, and talked about menopause and travel (???) with the women on my end. Tony was quite loud, as was our Canuck. Didn’t I ask in a blog a few days a go to “mix it UP”? Stirred and shaken…
We like this park, wish we could just stay and stay in the sun. But, off early tomorrow, not sure where we’re going, but I want to drive a little, then treat myself for being 53!
Monday, December 7, 2009
At last, a complete night’s sleep for me. Opened my peepers to a change in weather indeed…looks like Seattle, with gray clouds and fog. My “glass-half-full” side is telling me, “No problem, sun is on the way.” I choose to believe that “me.”
After lounging unashamedly for several hours this morning, we threw on our suits, grabbed our “shower buckets” and are off to the pool and hot springs. Spent at least two hours hanging in the hot water, in the rain, talking with a Canadian couple. They are on their maiden voyage too, and have experienced similar little mishaps, i.e., owner f-ups , as we.
A nice hot shower and a wet run back to Blue, for reading and just cozying up. And what a surprise and delight for us…my brother Bernie and his son Bradley will be here soon! Can’t wait to see them. We’re all going to our favorite restaurant in Palm Springs, El Gallito – same one we’ll be eating at on Wednseday, my 53rd birthday. Bern and Brad are playing chauffeur for us tonight, which is sweet, as their condo is in PS, and they’ll have to hump us back and forth.
And let me just state this here and now….there will be no photos today – except of our precious shower buckets – while it rains in the desert. There is no need to torture myself, my darling, or anyone else in the world with pics of rain in the desert! Will not do it!!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
I actually slept pretty well, considering my weird sleeping patterns: awake at 12:30, 3:30 and 8:00. I raced up, hit the head, threw everything where it should be and told Tony to “Get up, let’s hit the road!” Up he comes, I start the rig…..oh, that’s right, it wouldn’t start. Long story short, got the guy with a billion dollar rig to jump start us – said a prayer and…Blue starts!
We race off through the rest of the park and end up at the Salton Sea Rec area – where we are only impressed with the PELICANS!
A lake full of pelicans! I was entranced, in love, - snapped many pics.
As we were feeling the pinch of getting the propane and generator fixed, I fired up the netbook to find an RV repair place around Palm Springs. Another long story short – arguments, no shower for two days, cold night – led us to our fav hotel in downtown PS. While Tony showered and called a mobil RV repair guy (Dale) recommended to us, I humped our laundry to the on-site washer/dryer, sucked in the gorgeous grounds and felt relief that we were back in PS. Tony and Dale met up, fixed the RV; I took a shower, folded and ironed, got dressed. Feel so much better.
The great pool and flowers…
Lucky for us, this is the biggest night of the year in PS – the Parade of Lights! Whoo hoo! We walked the few blocks to a restaurant, made our way through the massive crowds, and had a bite – our first of the day. Talked a lot about “lessons learned” the last few days, felt lucky that we had made a new friend in Dale the RV repairer, trying to figure out where we’ll go next. Our goal is simple…SUN AND A POOL!!!
I leave you with a little of the parade…..
The high desert is COLD. Woke up to the furnace not on, and a nippy 47 degrees inside. Outside was 36! Yikes. Got the heat restarted and warmed up. No coffee ‘cause you need electricity with the Nespresso. Dang. Had a great breakfast outside though, bundled up. Ranger came by to remind us to pay.
Hiked around the rocks a bit…
There is a scientific explanation for these mounds of rocks, but seeing them is dumbfounding. They are so magnificently arranged, like Jenga, but perfectly fitting, falling, eroding. Great hiding place for the desert rat, birds and quail.
I call this one “Jumbo Thumbo”. We cruised around, climbing, grunting, amazed at the jumble we were in. I love being surrounded by the big guys.
Hiked to the pay area and forked over our big $10 for two nights. Tony as a senior gets quite a discount. Meandered back to our campsite where I grabbed my book for some cold sun time. Tony, of course, did projects.
It is stone quiet here, we can hear every bird and rat make even the smallest sounds. The little desert rats sun themselves on the big rocks, and stand up to look around.
Desert Rat checking out his world
All this quiet is good for me – forces me inward. I was telling Tony this morning that this trip has brought up a lot of camping memories – good and bad. So many camping trips in a van, tent, cabins; with friends, lovers, husbands, kids. I feel as though I’m letting go of those days, with sadness though. I want to keep them safe-maybe that will be in pictures-and be OK with not being 25 or 32 – not regretting, just letting.
These thoughts also bring up feeling insulated from the natural world, because of the RV. You really are warm and tight inside, somewhat hesitant to feel the cold or be in any way uncomfortable. I have some guilt over that – that I’m not doing the outdoor stuff I did when 25 or 32. I have to remind myself I was never an outdoors person, even when younger. But I feel it slipping away, the reality that I could if I wanted to – now I can’t because I haven’t kept in shape.
I am also “feeling my age”, for some reason. Creaky and slow, not moving through my world as smoothly as I’d like. My 53rd birthday next Tuesday might bring some interesting feelings. We’ll be in Palm Springs by then, in a pool, eating at our favorite “El Gallito”. Pondering heading back.
I see Tony has decided to look for warmth by stretching out on some sand near the rocks. Chest bared to the world. I won’t share that picture – that’s just for me!
Finished dinner, went for the much anticipated fire. Unfortunately, it was so cold there were icicles coming out of our asses. In we went – “Hey Tony! We can watch the fire from the kitchen window of the RV!” In we go, down the evening went.
As you can see, it is butt ass cold. The fire only heats part of your body, while the back freezes. We decided to sit inside and play gin rummy and watch the fire from the window. Thanks God we’ll be in the valley tomorrow, where it’s 50 at night.
Beeps from the propane alarm led me to turn it off to make it stop. Eventually we discover that the heater won’t come on, the stove doesn’t work, the generator, when it will start, emits loud gun-firing noises, i.e., farty-like noises and the batteries are almost dead. So we start the old rig to get the batteries charged; I’m sure the other campers in this uber quiet, freezing ass cold, yet tenderly beautiful campground called Jumbo Rocks, appreciated our rumbling diesel engine at 7 PM.
I was so tired all day, read for most of it, couldn’t wait to get to bed as soon as the motor went off. So I did. Unfortunately, Tony was stuck trying to figure out why everything has turned to hell. As we had no power, I read with my headlamp, until I just went to sleep with my clothes on. I awoke to Tony yelling “Hey!” I mumbled, “What?!” He said, “We can leave now and drive to a motel!” I reply, “I’m warm. Just come to bed.” So he did, and we piled coats and bathrobes on top of us and snuggled up.
Another horrible night’s sleep, although I’m not sleepy. Just can’t seem to throw my cares out the window and SLEEP. We’re watching the mountains and campers out our window at Calico Ghost Town. Will hike up to the town itself today. Stark red and tan hills are our back rest, nothing but blue sky and sun and sand ahead of us. We’re definitely in the desert.
Calico is an old mining town saved from destruction by Walter Knott of Knott’s Berry Farm. It is very kitchy, with most stores open and selling stuff. Some made overseas, which I find icky – can’t they find locals to do the crafts?
Off we drove across the long hot desert, only stopping for more shit that we MUST HAVE.
Finally made Joshua Tree to the camping spot we’ve been waiting a year to enjoy – Jumbo Rocks. Great name, greater place. As if the giants were playing a game with these boulders - stacking them, seeing how they would fit together. We love it.
Put together a mini-BBQ and grilled up some steaks, with salad and toasted bread. Yum. Over-full moon, bright starry night sky. And COLD! We’re hoping for some good hikes tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Woke up in time for the 8 AM bird show outside our windows. I had thrown some nuts and raisins out the day before to see if I could tempt some bird watching. Saw a large orange feral cat. He looked at me when I told him “I like kitties!” I’ve had a lovely, quiet moment realigning myself, meditating, thinking deep thoughts and shallow ones too. Trying to unload all the emotional and mental baggage I carry with me – slowing me down, tying me up.
I’ve discovered I live every day with a knot in my stomach, worrying over my past, present and future. Worrying over Alex’s, my friends, my family’s past, present and future. I’m hopeful I can unknot my gut and JUST BE!!! Sitting by a pool and reading The Power of Now and Kabat-Zinn’s mindfulness reminder will get me where I want to be.
Tony’s itchy feet are moving us on, although we’d decided to stay another day at the pools. He’s worrying we’re running out of “warm weather” time. So…..on we move to the desert. Not dessert. Closer to our lovely Joshua Tree, or Salton Sea, anyway.
And Later The Same Day…
Wound up in Yurmo at Calico Ghost Town. Another miscalculation as we drove until the sun set. Then we’re stuck. And we always get lost. Frustrating. I vote for a new rule…drive four hours a day then STOP and ENJOY!
We see the ghost town tomorrow – whoo hoo! – it’s included in the RV park discounted-‘cause-we’re-old-price.
I feel so bloated from all the salt and sugar I normally don’t eat. Popcorn for dinner for me.
Tony’s been arduously reading the cribbage rules, probably thinking he can kick my ass – NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! I was an ace crib player in college. He’s also come up with a new invention: when boiling noodles, include a colored pellet that will turn the noodles a specific color when done. He’s always thinking…
Off to Joshua Tree tomorrow…
Ahhhh, to wake up in the Walmart parking lot – what a dream come true for these tree hugging, union proponents! We pulled into the Porterville, CA Walmart out of a sheer need to find a place to stay. Our California hot Springs destination was too far in the dark, so we decided to bag it all and “dry camp,” i.e., no electricity or water. And in the parking lot of our much disliked corporate America. I shamefully admitted it to Alex last night – who laughed at us!
I must read at night so off we went to “the Wal”, as Dane Cook calls it, to purchase headlamps, movies and an adapter for my picture disk so that I can now upload pics. We feel better as humans after viewing humanity in “the Wal.” Judgments we don’t like to make, but consciously do. We can understand why the stats say SOCAL is 50% Hispanic – very much so! Our favorite pastime was watching the security guy roam the parking lot in his little white truck with the yellow flashing light. We felt safe. Tony also notified the Wal manager that we were there – she was quick to point out that they’re not responsible for anything…OK!
Our sleep was remarkably good, however. I GOT UP at 2:00 AM, after a beautiful four hours hard sleep – whodathunkit? Got my book and pillow and trudged to the couch. At 3:00 the night stockers at the Wal come into play. What a lonely time of night to work. Went back to bed soon after watching the shift come on, slept great until 8:20 AM.
Up and at ‘em, I strolled to Starby’s for some quads to go. I drove my AM shift, through more beautiful, rolling, golden hills, with boulders and cows everywhere. The orange groves are gone, the hills are alive. No one on the road, just Tony and I happily cruising. We found the Hot Springs and headed straight for the RV park, which is pretty cool. I backed Blue in and we set off for the Lodge.
Mr. Cranky Pants at the front desk, none too helpful – burned out from summer hoards? We’ve been here several hours and Tony has happily been working steady on numerous fixes and changes. I made a lovely breakfast – see pic – with our fresh squeezed orange juice. I’m telling you, it was exhilarating to drink fresh juice. Took six for two full glasses.
We’re now pretty much set and plan to head to the huge pool and hot spring pools for an afternoon of effing off. I’ve got spaghetti cooking, air conditioning on, trees and birds all around. Love this life.
Monday, November 30, 2009
November 30, 2009
Ahhh, such an eventful day. Drove and drove and drove to the Sequoia National Monument. Clearly a place of sacredness. We could have stayed and meditated, breathing in the sharp scents.
Here's our favorite...orchard upon orchard of bursting at the seams orange trees...
Hit the road for California Hot Springs, but, once again, we didn't plan our time and it got to late. So....here we sit.......(Picture later)
Heading to the Hot Springs tomorrow for some down time, reading time, hot springs time, fixing stuff time.
Love to all...
A sunny, clear day in McConnell park. Picture shows Mcconnel sunset. We have our eyes on Sequoia Nat'l Monument, California Hot Springs. Our single fellow camper next to us, looks like he's living from his truck. Last night I actually slept until 4:30 AM, and only woke because I heard a female voice talking. I thought it was THE RANGER, come to find us! It was Gertie, our erstwhile GPS voice, telling us she couldn't find the satellite signal.
I've now see three different cats in this park. Must be a band of them. We miss kitty-boy!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Finally got up early enough to hit the road running, even though I was, once again, up at 2 AM for a little read and snack.
After last night at Green Acres in Redding, (Ron the owner began his conversation with us: "40 years ago my wife left me for our pastor..."), we drove south, south, south - all the way to Mcconnell State Rec Area near Turlock, CA. I like driving in the morning, and had a great run. The country is beautiful - "golden, rolling hills of California" as the song goes.
Speaking of which, I had KD Lang and Journey cranked. Singing away - I love it. Not sure if Tony does. Maybe the hearing aids go down when my pipes are belting.
Stopped for more crap to load up - my current fav buy: generic oreos called "double filled twist cookies" - ha ha! Tony drove us to a funky truck stop at Westly. I spied a Mexican restaurant on the other half of a Subway store. Only gringos in there, got a fantatic fresh spiced port gordita, and Tony a great taco. Then directions from the counter guy to Turlock. Cool - our kind of meal and people.
The drive to Turlock was the back roads, just what we love. Lots of orchards, oranges hanging off the trees, plowed dark acres. Many little towns and straight roads. Reminds me of Lynden.
After setting up at the campsite - we are alone here - saw a feral cat. Took a walk to pay the fee and spied an almost full moon through the box elder trees, and a gorgeous pink/golden sunset over the orchards and under the silouetted mountains.
Oh, and by the way - IT'S SUNNY HERE!!! BLUE SKIES!!!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Hello one and all...
and we push through Oregon, to spend tonight at Green Acres RV Park in Redding, CA.
It has been a great trip - and only three days in! We had no prob finding the Pheasant Ridge RV park in our fav little suburb of Wilsonville, OR. Driving in the sideways rain made Tony a tad grumpy. Listening to that crap all night long made me grumpy.
We easily got set up, ate some fabulous fried bologna sandwiches for our Thanksgiving dinner, then hit the hay. Sexy apnea masks on, we laid our little heads down for a first nigtht's snooze...but tossed and turned all night, as we were so cold! Finally pulled our robes over ouselves, cranked up the heat and slept like babes. Well, I did until my usual menopausal 4:30 AM. Got up, ate sugar and read. Then back to bed until 10.
I drove the next day and had a ball. As long as I have my tunes, and can sing in a loud, harmonizing voice, I am happy. And I did. Tony just enjoyed the view. We stopped to eat in Cottage Grove, another favorite spot of ours. Behind the Koffee Cup Cafe is a GREAT Goodwill. Picked up some books on tape, while Tony conversed with a new friend...who was about eight.
We then hit the road again with Tony driving, and driving, and driving. I didn't particularly want to drive in the dark and arrive in the dark and set up in the dark - but we did. I found a great website called RVreviews.com, which has found us two great parks. We spent the night at a county park in Grants Pass.
Our entertainment consists of movies that we've never watched that I bought last Christmas. So far "Walk Hard" - hilarious! And "Man of the Year" - good but different. I think tonight will be "You, Me and Dupree."
We both LOVE driving this rig. We sit up high, huge vista windows to see the world. It is so danged beautiful!
and we push through Oregon, to spend tonight at Green Acres RV Park in Redding, CA.
It has been a great trip - and only three days in! We had no prob finding the Pheasant Ridge RV park in our fav little suburb of Wilsonville, OR. Driving in the sideways rain made Tony a tad grumpy. Listening to that crap all night long made me grumpy.
We easily got set up, ate some fabulous fried bologna sandwiches for our Thanksgiving dinner, then hit the hay. Sexy apnea masks on, we laid our little heads down for a first nigtht's snooze...but tossed and turned all night, as we were so cold! Finally pulled our robes over ouselves, cranked up the heat and slept like babes. Well, I did until my usual menopausal 4:30 AM. Got up, ate sugar and read. Then back to bed until 10.
I drove the next day and had a ball. As long as I have my tunes, and can sing in a loud, harmonizing voice, I am happy. And I did. Tony just enjoyed the view. We stopped to eat in Cottage Grove, another favorite spot of ours. Behind the Koffee Cup Cafe is a GREAT Goodwill. Picked up some books on tape, while Tony conversed with a new friend...who was about eight.
We then hit the road again with Tony driving, and driving, and driving. I didn't particularly want to drive in the dark and arrive in the dark and set up in the dark - but we did. I found a great website called RVreviews.com, which has found us two great parks. We spent the night at a county park in Grants Pass.
Our entertainment consists of movies that we've never watched that I bought last Christmas. So far "Walk Hard" - hilarious! And "Man of the Year" - good but different. I think tonight will be "You, Me and Dupree."
We both LOVE driving this rig. We sit up high, huge vista windows to see the world. It is so danged beautiful!
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