The high desert is COLD. Woke up to the furnace not on, and a nippy 47 degrees inside. Outside was 36! Yikes. Got the heat restarted and warmed up. No coffee ‘cause you need electricity with the Nespresso. Dang. Had a great breakfast outside though, bundled up. Ranger came by to remind us to pay.
Hiked around the rocks a bit…
There is a scientific explanation for these mounds of rocks, but seeing them is dumbfounding. They are so magnificently arranged, like Jenga, but perfectly fitting, falling, eroding. Great hiding place for the desert rat, birds and quail.
I call this one “Jumbo Thumbo”. We cruised around, climbing, grunting, amazed at the jumble we were in. I love being surrounded by the big guys.
Hiked to the pay area and forked over our big $10 for two nights. Tony as a senior gets quite a discount. Meandered back to our campsite where I grabbed my book for some cold sun time. Tony, of course, did projects.
It is stone quiet here, we can hear every bird and rat make even the smallest sounds. The little desert rats sun themselves on the big rocks, and stand up to look around.
Desert Rat checking out his world
All this quiet is good for me – forces me inward. I was telling Tony this morning that this trip has brought up a lot of camping memories – good and bad. So many camping trips in a van, tent, cabins; with friends, lovers, husbands, kids. I feel as though I’m letting go of those days, with sadness though. I want to keep them safe-maybe that will be in pictures-and be OK with not being 25 or 32 – not regretting, just letting.
These thoughts also bring up feeling insulated from the natural world, because of the RV. You really are warm and tight inside, somewhat hesitant to feel the cold or be in any way uncomfortable. I have some guilt over that – that I’m not doing the outdoor stuff I did when 25 or 32. I have to remind myself I was never an outdoors person, even when younger. But I feel it slipping away, the reality that I could if I wanted to – now I can’t because I haven’t kept in shape.
I am also “feeling my age”, for some reason. Creaky and slow, not moving through my world as smoothly as I’d like. My 53rd birthday next Tuesday might bring some interesting feelings. We’ll be in Palm Springs by then, in a pool, eating at our favorite “El Gallito”. Pondering heading back.
I see Tony has decided to look for warmth by stretching out on some sand near the rocks. Chest bared to the world. I won’t share that picture – that’s just for me!
Finished dinner, went for the much anticipated fire. Unfortunately, it was so cold there were icicles coming out of our asses. In we went – “Hey Tony! We can watch the fire from the kitchen window of the RV!” In we go, down the evening went.
As you can see, it is butt ass cold. The fire only heats part of your body, while the back freezes. We decided to sit inside and play gin rummy and watch the fire from the window. Thanks God we’ll be in the valley tomorrow, where it’s 50 at night.
Beeps from the propane alarm led me to turn it off to make it stop. Eventually we discover that the heater won’t come on, the stove doesn’t work, the generator, when it will start, emits loud gun-firing noises, i.e., farty-like noises and the batteries are almost dead. So we start the old rig to get the batteries charged; I’m sure the other campers in this uber quiet, freezing ass cold, yet tenderly beautiful campground called Jumbo Rocks, appreciated our rumbling diesel engine at 7 PM.
I was so tired all day, read for most of it, couldn’t wait to get to bed as soon as the motor went off. So I did. Unfortunately, Tony was stuck trying to figure out why everything has turned to hell. As we had no power, I read with my headlamp, until I just went to sleep with my clothes on. I awoke to Tony yelling “Hey!” I mumbled, “What?!” He said, “We can leave now and drive to a motel!” I reply, “I’m warm. Just come to bed.” So he did, and we piled coats and bathrobes on top of us and snuggled up.
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