Monday, August 22, 2011

Half Pint Farm, Here We Come.....

My beautiful niece and her BG (boy genius) husband Spencer, along with their wiener dogs Mr. Smeems and Bullet, greeted us, feted us, fed us, loved us, conversed in high cerebral content with us, ate alongside us. We feel so pampered and loved, so honored to be their friend and relative.

We busted ass driving to their phenominally beautiful little burg, Burlington, VT, the five days prior to our arrival on August 20th. This was our first real goal, prior to the Cape in a few days. The cause for our rush to their side, is the "farm dinner" that was being held at their...well, 3 acre farm in the Intervale (means the land near a river). The meal was served by a local restaurant, The Kitchen Table, which has a close business relationship with Half Pint Farm (HPF). All of the food served was produced by Mara and Spencer at HPF. Their mission, their well thought out plan, their hopeful desire, is to introduce fresh, organic food to the public. To turn our hearts to the transformative power of good food.

The guests arrived, as Mara says, "About 100 of our biggest fans and friends!" Wonderful, happy, slow food enthusiasts, eager to take part in the farm tour ("What's THAT growing!" "Did you see all the tomatoes they grown?!" (They grow 45 varieties, many heirloom. They live for tomatoes, peppers and eggplants.) "Oh look, a melon!"); to savor the delicious, pure, slooooowwww, organic, food that they had grown. Here's the menu:


Not only did HPF grow the food, they grew and butchered their 83 game hens just three days before the meal. I can hardly describe how delicious these birds were, nestled over the best mashed potatoes this fat ass has ever had. Potatoes they grew.

Here's the fancy table set-up in their hoop house. The plan was to eat by the flower garden:

But a thunder shower threat had us revising our plan to "B". It was lovely and intimate. And the thunder shower did arrive.

And the fabulous dinner fun!

Tony and I waddled away fairly early in order to get back to little Roku. We agreed it was one of the best dinners we've ever had. Kudos, love to our Mara and Spencer.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so very much! It was an absolute pleasure and privilege to have you see our farm, lives and friends. And, of course, to feed you, too! Stop by anytime! Love to you!
