Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Montana is hard to find an end to...

It goes on forever. And ever. It's harsh and beautiful, green and brown and allover HOT. Costco for more water -remember, ours doesn't work. Home Depot for more parts (water system!) and tools. I sit in said parking lot, air on, cat hiding in closet, while Tony shops.

We had planned on going to a local landmark, Pompey's Pillar, near tonight's camping spot in Hardin, but I just made the decision to cancel. Too far for today with another 45 min to park. It's bad for a relationship to stay on the road more than 4 hours.

The Pillar was used by all travelers in the area, including Lewis and Clark. In fact, Clark not only used his nickname for Sacajeweja's son, Pompey, but signed it! That's what I'd love to see, his name inscribed....he tagged the Pillar! Yo, Clark dude!

And Haggard rockin' the RV.....


  1. Emmett says to Roku, "Man up for God's sakes! You're embarrassing yourself!"

  2. Poor Roku, has he been outside today?

  3. Yeah I think if I were on a road trip with Aaron for more than 4 hours, he would be throwing himself out the moving rv. lol hope you're having a blast, Jackie!!

  4. If you think Montana is endless wait until you drive thru South Dakota.

  5. Stop in Menno SD and say hi to Liz Johnson (Whetung) I have phone#. 2010 population 608!
