Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New Hampshire...

Early morning and I've pulled my coffee, ready for another. Roku sits by me, listening to the strange birdy sounds, critters, flying stuff through the trees, people walking by. He just wants to go outside and explore without the encumbrance of his harness. I've decided that we have to find a new harness, as this one just bugs him. It throws him off balance, and what is a cat without his graceful movements?

Tony had a great idea to get him safely outside with us - a bug shelter! So, we bought one and will set it up at Cape Cod. That way we can move a picnic table in and be with him while he can roam free in a 12' X 12' space. It has mesh sides so he can see out and at least feel like he's outside. I've got to say, my intuition on bringing him along was correct - I should have found a happy home for him, so that he can live the life outside that he has been. He's not happy, and that's not fair. It's selfish of us to bring him along, when it's torture for him. I won't do it again, unless he shows signs of settling in.

We have been on such a whirlwind to get to Vermont, due to leaving Washington late. We look back on where we've been and Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, etc, seem like ancient history. We definitely live in the present due to the daily travel. I am much more comfortable in one spot for several days, than constantly picking up and moving.

Tony drives almost all the time, as HE LOVES IT! And I don't mind, as I've become a pretty good navigator, and he appreciates that. There are always travel problems during the day, however, no matter who's calling the shots with the map. We've also found that the camping club we bought into oversold their services. Many of the campgrounds are subpar, and that makes for an icky experience. They are also not just the $10.00 a night that we were told, which just fries Ton-Ton's ass.

On the other hand, a few of them are HUGE, with a staff for check in, two pools, clubhouses and community meals. That's been a good experience mostly, if not a little intrusive because you camp cheek to cheek and it's packed. With school starting in a few days to weeks, everything should clear out. We also spend alot of time looking for the damn campsites. Many of them are tucked away down rural roads and can be hard to find. We use GPS alot.

I love having my Galaxy pad and hotspot - lifesaver. I use my netbook for the blog and long emails like this, otherwise I'm on my pad. I also just fired up my Nook and ordered a .99 book - I've been reading two books, but they're not doing it for me (one is Committed and it sucks), and I haven't had time to stop at a Goodwill or even the camping parks book exchanges. I have fallen in love with my Nook again.

We can get some local TV reception, which is really all we need. I like it that it's not a source of zone out for us. We pick up whatever news is happening around us, and the weather, of course. We have had some tremendous storms, and more to come!

The country we are seeing is phenomenal. My fav so far has been NY and VT. I cherish the time I spent with Mara and Spencer - they are living the life I wanted at their age, but doing a much more organized and productive job of it! And the food was terrific. The town they live in, Burlington, is very similar to Boulder, CO or Bellingham - college, organic, beautiful.

We're off to Massachusetts today, a little closer to the Cape. Not sure what route we'll travel today, maybe on highways as yesterday was teeth jarring down country roads. Beautiful, but rough. Every town is so quaint and OLD. The east coast has 100 years on the west coast and it shows in the architecture in both city and country. Unfortunately we travel so fast there is never time to stop and look. My heart aches with wanting to explore a town, especially their graveyards. It's also hard to pull in with the RV - there just aren't pull outs when you want them. When we're in the car it's a different story, of course.

The sun is out and shining through the trees. Can't wait to see the leaves change - I think it will be soul enriching.

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