Saturday, October 8, 2011

Kettle Corn, Kettle Corn, Where Have You been.....


“Where have you been?”, they all cried?  The masses cried out for us, and I am responding!  This is what we’ve been doing since our last missive:

  1. Staying inside with our jammies on ALL DAY listening to the pouring rain pounding on Blue’s roof.  It’s raining harder than we’ve ever seen it rain in Washington state.  Who knew?
  2.  Driving around aimlessly, suspiciously noting each yellow/yellowish-green/red-green changes of leaf color, often not returning until early evening. 
  3.  Partying with our new-friends-we’ll-never-see-again.
  4.  Making bracelets.
  5.  Reading. 
  6. Buying a Bissell carpet cleaner and rocking the carpet.

Lots of action here at the old Maine campground.  We sit in our favorite chair and only couch, watching as the world passes us by.  Rain pouring.  Dinner making.  Desultory conversations.  TV interruptus.  Long and many discussions with Direct TV on why the service doesn’t work for us – six “associates” in one day.

Yesterday found us on the road at the crack of 1:30.  Each night we vow to get up at 9:00 AM, shower, and hit the road for an early start and an all day adventure.  Each morning brings us closer to 10:30 AM, baffled as to why we didn’t get up.  Well, I’m already up at 5:00 AM with Kitty-Boy, then blessedly back to bed for “just a few hours more sleep” at 6:00 AM, only to wake again at 10:30.  Geez Louise, you’d think we were busting ass all day instead of mincing around Cumberland County waiting for those damn leaves to turn red!

But look what we found.....the source of the water for Poland Springs!  It was cool to know that there is a source.

Poland Springs Presidents Inn

Left bldg is "the source" of Poland Springs water

Poland Springs water source

Poland Springs State Fair House
 We also partook of Maine's famous red weiners.

A Maine red weiner

Red Weiner
My fab meal at Black Bear Cafe - meatloaf, sweet potatos, kale

Ellen's precious gift to me - yard art!
Forgot last night was potluck at the rec hall until we ran into Everett and Donna.  As we had planned dinner ahead of time (for once), were home late and in the middle of laundry, we stopped by for a short social visit.  Ellen and Richard invited us back to their pad where we talked and laughed for an hour or so.  Lovely people.  I made Ellen a bright, sparkly bracelet with colors that match her sweet and spicy personality.  She had me pick out my own “yard art”  (see pic) that the park women had made during craft time the weekend before we got here.  Love it!  Not sure how it will travel on the road, but it’s going to Florida as part of our semi-permanent installation!

We’re told that the Fryeburg Fair has a great Patsy Cline cover singer tomorrow, “five o’clock at the water wheel.”  We will be there with bells on, elephant ear and kettle corn in hand.

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